Power poop by red-tailed hawk (and shadow!)

Snow isn’t the only white stuff falling on a winter day in Maine! After watching this red-tailed hawk look for prey for nearly an hour, it let loose a not-so-snowy-white missile. (So did its shadow!) A little research reminded us that birds don’t produce urine like mammals do. They excrete uric acid in a relatively thick white paste instead of water-based urine for good reasons. Early on, birds have to live in an egg with whatever waste they produce. They need a system that protects them from drinking toxic waste within the egg, and uric acid paste is easier to “store” safely. Also, water-based urine is heavy! That would be a lot to fly with “on board!” Something new we learned: there’s a technical term for the “poop” created by birds of prey. The poop is called a slice. Hawks (and eagles) have a mighty slice, flinging their waste matter behind them at an impressive velocity and distance!